Today was the court date for Kyles adoption. Everything went smoothly,the ex didn't even show up and now John is a "new" father. Says hes happy to be a Dad....really happy to have missed the diaper stage . : )
about 5 or so my phone started going off with texts from Kevin. Asking "well how did court go?" To which I replied " went great you are not the father." Then he went on to wanting Jr again. Said he gave me Kyle so I need to give him Jr and he said we can share the girls (yay for him allowing me to share my girls with him.... *rolls eyes*) Because Im a glutton for punishment (and possibly mildly brain damaged) I admittedly goaded him a bit at this point. I said "well i want my girls,in Ga with me without issues from you" He went off on a tangent completely opposite from the fight he gave me yesterday. "the only way that would happened if the girls tell thqt they go to Georgia without be influenced by u or john as well as jr living with me" he said.....and sadly that is a typed out verbatim copy of his reply. It physically caused me pain to type that....jussayin. I pointed out that was not what he said previously ,which lead to another small rant of " well if they dont tell me they arent going."
Its cute. He thinks he has a choice.
Ive been down this route. I know the rules,what has to be done,where the burden of proof lies....all that stuff. Meanwhile he is only worried about how fast he cant get kyle off his child support order. Which for the record isnt until the official court order is released with Kyles new name on it. roughly 2 weeks.......but Im supposed to have that done today,and the order amount changed now. At least thats what he says.
*walks away muttering something about "simple people" while shaking her head*
PS How many of you have family who are not related by blood? Personally, I have kids who arent biologically mine yet call me mom,sisters and brothers who have no genetic link to me yet may as well have,people in my life and my kids lives for no reason other then a link of love a bond forged in some deep rooted connection that led us to create a family tie. If that twat rocket tells me one more time that Charity,Dad,Gimps or anyone else in Johns family isnt family I will not be responsible for any and all blood shed I create. So start raising bail money,cuz something tells me he will again. He didnt ride the short bus. He tried to get on,missed the step,fell cracked his helmet broke his drool cup,messed his diaper then got ran over backwards by it.
I've been through alot in not a long amount of time,some have found my stories interesting but mostly the retelling of tales Ive found to be cathartic.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Old and new paths converge
Where to begin?
Its been a hellish 2 weeks. I lost the only sister I spoke to a regular basis on the 18th. She fought hard and battled Cystic fibrosis since birth,finally saying her final see you later almost 2 weeks ago. I ,along with so many others,already miss her terribly. There wasnt many who could be on the same wave length as me and give John as much crap as I do,yet Charity always did. She had no hesitations on calling him on his bullshit without blinking an eye,down to and including her immediate dislike of me when she found out about me 8 years ago.
See when John and I met we were both still technically married. Charity didnt approve at all. Fast forward several years,I married her brother and then "Grafton" happened. Charity and I had grown to a point of semi toleration up until that point. At that point I finally saw that fierce side of Charity and she saw it in me. We found ourselves having grown closer and she grew an intense and immedate hatred of my ex husband. It was a well earned hatred,just how well we hadnt known yet.
Charity called John one afternoon,said "I dont want to talk to you where's your wife?" . He handed me the phone and Im thinking " shit someone about to get hurt." See the majority of conversations between me and Charity were in messages via text/facebook. Typically phone calls only meant that someone needed an asswhipping. I get on the phone and see whats up. She asked how the kids were doing,how john was and then goes " So I got a question for you....from one bi chick to another,would you fuck a tranny?" to which I replied the only logical reply there is ...." Of course. Its the best of both worlds." Charity laughed and said "Thats what Im sayin" talked for a few more minutes then said see ya later.
That was only about a week or so before she went into the hospital. It was the last time I ever got to talk to her on the phone,but not the last time I spoke to her. She spent alot of time struggling and fighting but in typical Charity style came back out of it to take care of business. She was barely out of the hospital when I got a message from her. She asked me " So what does it take to get you guys back down here?" I told her money and a place to stay. She said "well what about for a longer time?" I said "couple pieces of paper that shows why we are moving and that its for a good reason" She said" Then go get those papers,fill them out and put it that you have to come down to help provide in home care for your disabled sister" I said ok then got the papers and printed them out.
Then the 17th happened.And by the 19th we were in the truck heading down to Savannah to say our final see you later to her.
On the 21st I sent a text to my ex to let him know what happened and that the kids might miss the weekend with him. A huge snow storm devloped after we left WV making it not only impossible but dangerous to drive through. Kevin decided to show just how much of an awesome Christian he is at that point (and trully did earn all the aformentioned hatred) by saying "I dont give a shit who died the kids better be there on Friday for the visit" , "Its not like she can hear them anyway" and my personal favorite "Shes not even their family. None of Johns family are family to my kids".
I responded several times,never once taking the bait,keeping my temper in check mostly but it went on for almost 45 minutes. Eventually John grabbed the kindle and responded which in and of itself was kinda funny since he was told by kevin to get a "real mans" job.
Can I just point out something real quick? This is the same fuck knuckle who was ordered for 6 years to pay 200 a month in child support couldn't even keep up with that,got almost 2 years without paying any support then threw a major temper tantrum when the state took him back for an increase in support. They bumped it to 495 a month and the melt down began. He immediately disowned Kyle,begged for me to start the process to remove his rights and then still cant stay current on support. Meanwhile, John has worked his ass off to take care of these demon spawns since the jackass I reproduced with is too much of a fucking twat rocket to even cover their basic needs without crying like a simpering little cunt.
See Kevin called today to throw a huge fit with me after Mary ripped into him for the text messages about her Aunt Charity. Anyone who has ever spoken to,met or even looked at Mary can attest to her being her Mothers daughter. So I get on the phone listen to him whine like a bitch about letting her read the messages and what not ,then I stop him and begin my own diatribe. I point out that I have nothing to hide from the kids so it doesn't bother me if they see those things not to mention it eliminates any of the he said she said shit. Which then led him into the whole Non family thing which I will spare everyone from making a long blog an even longer one and just say this ....He has his thoughts,I have mine,I will continue to guide and teach the kids as I see it to be right for my household. which is a summation of what was said to him (just with smaller words) He then switched gears again to Jr's disability check and my finances. To which I basically told him Jr's check is based on need and its not as large as he seems to think. Which then led him on to what I use the child support for.....See he thinks I'm wrong for using part of it to pay for time on my cell phone....The cell phone I keep on so he has a way to speak to the kids on the rare occasions he decides to call them.I pointed out how I typically use the child support to pay 1/2 of Marys school bill each month with John covering the other half. I then pointed out since he chose not to pay support this month,John covered Mary's full school bill this month.Which then pissed him off again,and he switched gears again. He went to my moving and him wanting Jr. I made it a point to make him specify. He stated " I wont contest you moving if you give me Jr." None of the other kids or anything.
Yea so I'm the bad parent right? I would never choose one child over the other. No matter how much they annoy the fuck out of me,which is admittedly alot.
O and he flat out stated he will not keep Jr on meds cuz there is "nothing wrong with him" Last I checked ,Kevin works in the coal mines,n a non union job,barely making ends meet cuz they wont give him hours. He has never gotten a college degree in medicine,psychology,or even behavioral management. Hell he barely "past" his GED a couple months ago. So I mean I could be wrong,but Im not. Im pretty sure if a Doctor who has spent more time with the boy then Kevin has says something is wrong,then Im sure there is.
fucking moron.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
"Adam and Eve Not Adam And Steve" and other stupid shit
Im so sick and tired of my ex damaging the impressionable brains of my demented children.Everytime he gets them its another anti gay rhetoric thrown at them. When Kyle was still going over there it was "If you grow up and be gay Ill beat your ass until you go straight again" Now with Jr its "God made adam and eve not adam and steve." And most recetly Mary has been his target. He looked at her and told her if she grew up and liked girls he would disown her and have nothing to do with her ever again. Mary has moments where you can almost physically see the transformation in her from 1/2 Connor to full Connor.....See when he said that to her she looked at him ,without missing a beat and said " Last I checked you are only my dad here on earth and I love you but your judgement of me doesnt matter. Only one Man can judge me and that is not you. Plus Jesus had 2 dads and you worship him an awful lot dont you?"
She may be a mouth brat,but Ill be damned if I dont love the shit out of her rotten ass.
I guess my issue with him being this way is well a rather simple one. See when I met/married him forever ago he had a best friend/boss who he was rather close to. Over the course of my marriage to him,this boss/friend had bought him 4 different cell phones, got him an apartment that was well out of any price range I have ever known him to afford,gave him cash numerous times,bought him a fully pedigreed Shiba Inu and took him every Monday night to dinner and a movie....just the 2 of them....I wasn't allowed to ever go.
Thats not counting the fact the ex was married to a openly bisexual woman,something he never had an issue with at that time.So the all new hatred of Gay people I dont get. Hell I can remember when I first left him one of the first times he tried to fight with me at court none the less,he screamed at me about how I "promised if I ever left him I would be a lesbian" which I pointed out was not what I said. I in fact actually had said was after having been with him so long I was pretty much a lesbian. Its not my fault if John changed that....sorta....I mean John is the biggest lesbian I know :P
Saying "If God wanted to create Adam & Steve he would have made it possible for men to get pregnant" is about as intelligent as saying "If God had wanted there to be vegetarians he wouldn't have made animals out of meat"
She may be a mouth brat,but Ill be damned if I dont love the shit out of her rotten ass.
I guess my issue with him being this way is well a rather simple one. See when I met/married him forever ago he had a best friend/boss who he was rather close to. Over the course of my marriage to him,this boss/friend had bought him 4 different cell phones, got him an apartment that was well out of any price range I have ever known him to afford,gave him cash numerous times,bought him a fully pedigreed Shiba Inu and took him every Monday night to dinner and a movie....just the 2 of them....I wasn't allowed to ever go.
Thats not counting the fact the ex was married to a openly bisexual woman,something he never had an issue with at that time.So the all new hatred of Gay people I dont get. Hell I can remember when I first left him one of the first times he tried to fight with me at court none the less,he screamed at me about how I "promised if I ever left him I would be a lesbian" which I pointed out was not what I said. I in fact actually had said was after having been with him so long I was pretty much a lesbian. Its not my fault if John changed that....sorta....I mean John is the biggest lesbian I know :P
Saying "If God wanted to create Adam & Steve he would have made it possible for men to get pregnant" is about as intelligent as saying "If God had wanted there to be vegetarians he wouldn't have made animals out of meat"
Sunday, January 13, 2013
deja vu otherwise known as he better not even think it
So kids went to douche bags house for the night. House was quiet for the most part other then Ky's constant running of netflix and then gears of war when John got home. Which meant I knew today was gonna be a "great" day.(Did ya grab the sarcasm there?)
First I wake up to a text message of " I be droppin them off at 4" to which i respond fine....despite him knowing I was supposed to go to a baby shower today at 3. so 5 til 4 I get another text saying,"are u gon b there" (these are verbatim folks) I said yes,how else would the kids get in the house?
He then shows up,spends 20 mins sitting in front of my house in the middle of the road,doing this same huge scene to get the kids riled up before he leaves as he always does. He finally leaves,after having jr come in and get themp3 player he got him for Christmas so he could take it back,and then the attitudes have begun!
Well the attitude I should say. Oddly enough once he pulled away Mary's attitude left with him and she was very clingy. Mya was her normal self. Jr on the other hand was going out of his way to push as many buttons and start as many fights as he can. It pissed him off even more when it wasn't working.
So,you ask ,Lee.....da fuq is the title about? Well let me tell you :)
See 2 years ago I went through hell that resulted in my loosing the kids temporarily,them living with Kevin,being abused by Kevin and me fighting tooth and fucking nail to get them back. During all of this,I managed to do what you aren't supposed to be able to do and found out who called CPS and started the whole damn thing.
Flash forward to tonight. Kids are home and as usual I asked how their weekend was and if they had fun. Well lo and behold I get told they went to visit Mrs. S. I amazingly held my tongue. See Mrs. S is the cunt bag who started the whole thing. She is a douche nozzle who made that first call told a shit ton of lies to make it happen and then continued to try and placate me and pretend to be our friend/care about us.Knowing the entire time she was being a sneaky conniving twat waffle. Now I find out he is back to talking to her and taking the kids to see her and shit. O hell no.
I will straight cut the bitch if she tries this shit again. I expected some new failing attempt from him to start shit,since I told him the other night i wasn't fighting with him and yet he continued to try. I didn't expect him to bring her back into it. I guess though after he was unable to find Melissa,whom he has an apparently unhealthy obsession with as he asks the kids if they have seen her each time he sees them, Mrs. S would be the next step in trying to start shit.
I'm not worried. Maybe I should be,but I'm not. See one other thing the kids told me,that really did reaffirm my faith even stronger......
The church her and her husband built.......yea its no longer. They sold the property and the house/church on it.
The Lord took his time,but he did say vengeance is his for those who hurt his children.
First I wake up to a text message of " I be droppin them off at 4" to which i respond fine....despite him knowing I was supposed to go to a baby shower today at 3. so 5 til 4 I get another text saying,"are u gon b there" (these are verbatim folks) I said yes,how else would the kids get in the house?
He then shows up,spends 20 mins sitting in front of my house in the middle of the road,doing this same huge scene to get the kids riled up before he leaves as he always does. He finally leaves,after having jr come in and get themp3 player he got him for Christmas so he could take it back,and then the attitudes have begun!
Well the attitude I should say. Oddly enough once he pulled away Mary's attitude left with him and she was very clingy. Mya was her normal self. Jr on the other hand was going out of his way to push as many buttons and start as many fights as he can. It pissed him off even more when it wasn't working.
So,you ask ,Lee.....da fuq is the title about? Well let me tell you :)
See 2 years ago I went through hell that resulted in my loosing the kids temporarily,them living with Kevin,being abused by Kevin and me fighting tooth and fucking nail to get them back. During all of this,I managed to do what you aren't supposed to be able to do and found out who called CPS and started the whole damn thing.
Flash forward to tonight. Kids are home and as usual I asked how their weekend was and if they had fun. Well lo and behold I get told they went to visit Mrs. S. I amazingly held my tongue. See Mrs. S is the cunt bag who started the whole thing. She is a douche nozzle who made that first call told a shit ton of lies to make it happen and then continued to try and placate me and pretend to be our friend/care about us.Knowing the entire time she was being a sneaky conniving twat waffle. Now I find out he is back to talking to her and taking the kids to see her and shit. O hell no.
I will straight cut the bitch if she tries this shit again. I expected some new failing attempt from him to start shit,since I told him the other night i wasn't fighting with him and yet he continued to try. I didn't expect him to bring her back into it. I guess though after he was unable to find Melissa,whom he has an apparently unhealthy obsession with as he asks the kids if they have seen her each time he sees them, Mrs. S would be the next step in trying to start shit.
I'm not worried. Maybe I should be,but I'm not. See one other thing the kids told me,that really did reaffirm my faith even stronger......
The church her and her husband built.......yea its no longer. They sold the property and the house/church on it.
The Lord took his time,but he did say vengeance is his for those who hurt his children.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Trying days and long nights
So the big overhaul of life still in full swing.
RFL has gotten off to a good start thankfully :) The kids have taken and ran with it begging for donations. Use what ya got right?
Tomorrow not looking like a good day,but Im hoping Im wrong. I have a DR appointment in the morning. Im having them start more bloodwork and what not to try and explain the random sleepy times Ive been dealing with ,my back refusing to not hurt and well just everything in general. Headaches are annoying as hell too.
While I hate getting stabbed and God knows while I want to know whats wrong I dont wanna know whats wrong, I am more dreading tomorrow night then anything else. See the ex called tonight. phone rang at 9 pm,I answer and he goes " Hey are the kids in bed?" my response?" Yea its 9 pm man." He goes " alright well can I get them tomorrow night at 6? I want to take them to dinner." My intial thoughts are great....there goes any hope of a peaceful weekend.....hes ditching them. So I ask "Not getting them Friday?" He replies with " no im still getting them this weekend I just want to take them to dinner and stuff. Ill bring them home around 8 or so after we eat." I said " alright thats fine,no biggie " and hung up.
Then my brain started.....Why the hell would he want them the day before hes supposed to get them for the entire weekend,just for dinner? We all know hes not that kind of guy who just wants to be involved all that way with the kids.....hell he sees them twice a month,despite court order saying every weekend,doesnt even pay his full child support and doesnt even bother to call them during the week when he doesnt see them. So why does he want them on a school night for them a work night for him for a few hours for dinner?
Then it clicked.....hes up to something....something thats going to effect us in some big way.
Do a little digging and Ill be damned, *gasp* Im right.
Hes getting them to let them know the sex of the new baby......
Now why would this matter or effect our home?
Well small trip dpwn memory lane real quick....See back at the end of september/beginning of october he made the announcement on Facebook that he and his wife were expecting a new baby. Mary saw this and it began her downward spirial. That same night she attempted suicide for the first time. It was bad,thankfully i was here and shortly there after she was hospitalized for a little while.
Since then Mary has been under a Doctors care and in therapy ,but has repeatedly said she doesnt want him to have any more kids, especially if they are girls. He (again) barely sees/speaks to the 3 here and Mary already felt replaced when he had his youngest with the wife. Now tomorrow they are going to this dinner with him and are going to be told they are having another little sister.
I fear her reaction,her heartbreak,her anger honestly.
I worry for her and her sanity.
RFL has gotten off to a good start thankfully :) The kids have taken and ran with it begging for donations. Use what ya got right?
Tomorrow not looking like a good day,but Im hoping Im wrong. I have a DR appointment in the morning. Im having them start more bloodwork and what not to try and explain the random sleepy times Ive been dealing with ,my back refusing to not hurt and well just everything in general. Headaches are annoying as hell too.
While I hate getting stabbed and God knows while I want to know whats wrong I dont wanna know whats wrong, I am more dreading tomorrow night then anything else. See the ex called tonight. phone rang at 9 pm,I answer and he goes " Hey are the kids in bed?" my response?" Yea its 9 pm man." He goes " alright well can I get them tomorrow night at 6? I want to take them to dinner." My intial thoughts are great....there goes any hope of a peaceful weekend.....hes ditching them. So I ask "Not getting them Friday?" He replies with " no im still getting them this weekend I just want to take them to dinner and stuff. Ill bring them home around 8 or so after we eat." I said " alright thats fine,no biggie " and hung up.
Then my brain started.....Why the hell would he want them the day before hes supposed to get them for the entire weekend,just for dinner? We all know hes not that kind of guy who just wants to be involved all that way with the kids.....hell he sees them twice a month,despite court order saying every weekend,doesnt even pay his full child support and doesnt even bother to call them during the week when he doesnt see them. So why does he want them on a school night for them a work night for him for a few hours for dinner?
Then it clicked.....hes up to something....something thats going to effect us in some big way.
Do a little digging and Ill be damned, *gasp* Im right.
Hes getting them to let them know the sex of the new baby......
Now why would this matter or effect our home?
Well small trip dpwn memory lane real quick....See back at the end of september/beginning of october he made the announcement on Facebook that he and his wife were expecting a new baby. Mary saw this and it began her downward spirial. That same night she attempted suicide for the first time. It was bad,thankfully i was here and shortly there after she was hospitalized for a little while.
Since then Mary has been under a Doctors care and in therapy ,but has repeatedly said she doesnt want him to have any more kids, especially if they are girls. He (again) barely sees/speaks to the 3 here and Mary already felt replaced when he had his youngest with the wife. Now tomorrow they are going to this dinner with him and are going to be told they are having another little sister.
I fear her reaction,her heartbreak,her anger honestly.
I worry for her and her sanity.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Long time no speak
Its been awhile since I have posted anything....I guess i kinda fail huh?
So new year,2013, and time for some new and good for us. 2010-2012 kinda was crap to say the very least with slight glimpses of light among the numerous storms.
So far this year Ive managed to not get sick (knock on wood) ,get a few smaller boxes packed,start a relay for life team for RFL in May,watched the Dawgs win their bowl game and thats about it.....Starting tomorrow that all changes. (ok well it sorted started tonight)
Im going to spend the day reevaluating,organizing,cleaning and tossing things we dont need or arent using. If they are usable by someone else,then Ill box them up send a few messages out and get it gone from my house. We have way to much crap in this 3 bedroom townhouse and its getting claustrophobic. Not to mention once the move happens,less crap = more awesome.
I will be going through my closet even *gasp in shock* I guess i can give john a little room for his stuff in there since Ive stolen like 2 of his dresser drawers too now....
AND cuz im either awesome or seriously deranged,I will be doing all of this while homeschooling Mary and implementing a new chore system.
Pretty much positive its the deranged part.
Heres to a new year and me not failing on well,everything including writing.
So new year,2013, and time for some new and good for us. 2010-2012 kinda was crap to say the very least with slight glimpses of light among the numerous storms.
So far this year Ive managed to not get sick (knock on wood) ,get a few smaller boxes packed,start a relay for life team for RFL in May,watched the Dawgs win their bowl game and thats about it.....Starting tomorrow that all changes. (ok well it sorted started tonight)
Im going to spend the day reevaluating,organizing,cleaning and tossing things we dont need or arent using. If they are usable by someone else,then Ill box them up send a few messages out and get it gone from my house. We have way to much crap in this 3 bedroom townhouse and its getting claustrophobic. Not to mention once the move happens,less crap = more awesome.
I will be going through my closet even *gasp in shock* I guess i can give john a little room for his stuff in there since Ive stolen like 2 of his dresser drawers too now....
AND cuz im either awesome or seriously deranged,I will be doing all of this while homeschooling Mary and implementing a new chore system.
Pretty much positive its the deranged part.
Heres to a new year and me not failing on well,everything including writing.
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