Saturday, May 18, 2019

ex wives

Its been a bit of a long week. 

Pretty stressful given what was going on .  

Herby's ex wife tried coming around ,trying  to claim they weren't
really divorced. 

We got the papers, Herby even paid for a certified copy of the dissolution decree to be sent two day shipping because of all the shit happening and being said.

In better news, weve now been married a month! I think we are still very much in the newlywed phase . We are still playful and stupid with each other, but then again weve been like that for our entire relationship anyway.
Today after doing some of the running we had to do, we curled up on the couch and snuggled. And by snuggled i mean snored cuz we both crashed out lol. 

I look over at him, even now while he is playing his game, and I cant help but smile. I love him so much. Just being around him makes me happy . I know I sound like a sappy, stupid girl in love but well, i am.  Hes my other half and realistically my better half cuz im an asshole. My happy place is snuggled up with him. 

Next weekend is date night <3 
I cant wait. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Story time

Gather around kids, Im gonna share a little story.

In 1996, there was an adorable blonde girl who agreed to take a chance on her best friend , allowing their relationship to go to the next level. They began dating.Not always with the most support due to antiquated ideas on interracial  relationships, but they still drove on.

It wasn't long before within that relationship, things progressed,they grew closer and then missed a step in precautions. The tests came back positive. She was terrified to tell her family but ultimately it had to be done. Naturally there was anger,disappointment, but there was support as well.  See she was only a kid still, nowhere near ready to become a parent while still a child herself.

The choice was made for her essentially and then the appointment made.


That girl was me.
I was 15 when I got pregnant the first time.
I was 15 when I had an abortion.

It wasn't an easy choice,but it was the right one. I wasn't ready,he for damn sure wasn't ( hell he still wasn't when i had my oldest, and im not sure hes ever grown up in all honesty) .
Having an abortion was not an easy choice, nor was it one made without a ton of soul searching.
I knew the likelihood of me being able to properly take care of a baby when i was 15 was  literally less then zero.  I went into that office crying and scared. I was in the back alone and wishing my mom was with me. I walked out feeling empty, like something was missing from within my soul ,broken and hurting.

It was hard. But i was able to do this legally and safely. Not bringing another child into the world, forcing it into an overcrowded foster system,allowing it to feel unwanted or unloved.

Instead I assumed the hurt and pain so that child would never have to. 


Yet now the ability to make that choice is being stripped from women.
Its our bodies. Its our choices.
Stop trying to take control of whats not yours.

Monday, May 6, 2019

So its finally happened

We did it. Two weeks ago I married my love. We chose to do it as we celebrated our 2nd anniversary. It was a small,intimate gathering but one we wouldn't change for anything. It was perfect for us. We had those we loved with us. We were even lucky enough to get the weather to hold out until everything was all done! 

Now that its all over, i think its time to get back into writing some. Im not sure if im gonna going back into writing fiction , just blogs or maybe a little of both. I know that I miss the creativity of it as well as the venting ability. 
So with that being said, heres to the upcoming  narratives.