Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Suddenly he cares?

So hes supposed to come get them Sunday for 2 weeks. I'm floating somewhere between terrified and depressed. Kinda pissed too.

He admits hes not working,but can gather the money to make the trip down here both ways (hes picking up and dropping off) yet cant gather money to pay child support each month to help take care of them. I mean the roughly 500 hes ordered to pay is alot less then what the cost of him driving both ways will. Why not use that money to send to your kids instead of a trip ? Its not like they had needs or anything *rolls eyes*

I'm terrified he wont bring them back.I don't trust him as far as I can throw him (which unless I'm SHE-HULK type pissed isn't too far) and his sudden interest in getting the kids makes me paranoid. Not to mention his sudden niceness in emails when on the vid chat the other day he had no problem talking trash about me in front of Mary. Of course I seriously doubt hes written a single one of the emails himself,they are well articulated and clearly written.....Not his forte.Not to mention the emails were forwarded to his email then sent to mine...

This will be the first time since I got them back they will be away from me for longer then 2 days....which wasn't even 2 full days 90% of the time. Now they will be 700 miles away for 2 weeks.......with an abusive prick......yea I'm holding on by a very think thread right now.

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