Well those 10 days went by rather rapidly without any real complaints so I suppose I should actually write for once huh?
Alot of shit has changed over the last year.Katie passed a few weeks ago now and that wasnt easy. Yes she was old(12) and we knew it would happen eventually but that doesnt make it any easier.To say its was an emotional and slightly traumatic event would be putting it mildly.Add to that Katie being the last living thing that connected all of us to Charity and well.....
We got to keep the house tentatively for another year,though we are still gonna be looking for a different place and saving up.It was a tense and truthfully terrifying few weeks but in the end it worked out. Day after we resigned the lease,the house and cars got egged. John called the landlord who then called the kid who did its Father ( we knew who did it only cuz of the eggs used....they were fresh brown eggs and only one person has brown chickens in the area) . Long story short, The kid and his friend who did it had to scrub both cars,the roof,the house and the driveway while the landlord and John videotaped and took pics.....With the kids dads permission. He told them put that shit on youtube and facebook,maybe then they would learn a damn lesson. John and the dad talked for quite some time after that in general and its seemed to have made at least one half of the neighborhood a bit more peaceful.
There is a new addition to the house as well in the form of a pup named Charcoal (char for short). She is spoiled,silly,smart and a bit annoying. She fits in perfectly.
Im sure there is more,but honestly If I wrote it all out now,then WTF would I have to talk about later???
Oh and there is this girl.....She apprently loves to read these things of mine....Shes all kinds of epically awesome .....I think Im gonna have to work out a plan soon enough to kidnap her. ;)
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