6 years ago,I made the very well thought out choice to leave my ex husband.the relationship was physically ,mentally and emotionally abusive.I am a mother above all else and never wanted that to be inflicted on my kids.
yet when you flash forward 6 years,I'm still haunted by him.thanks to the wonderfully intelligent state of west Virginia, he is now legally allowed to continue the abuse.he was given the children which he has admitted to abusing ,by the way, to the point even the children are calling the police for help from his house.he has been court ordered to allow me to speak to the kids every day and bring the kids for visitation twice a week. yesterday I was verbally berated by him and his wife,and today while talking to my youngest he asks what I said to her.I stated that I said"so you are coming to see me tomorrow?" he responds "Like she has a choice?" I said "That's really not appropriate" then went back to talking to my monkey.After she and i are done talking he grabs the phone and proceeds to tell me that he doesn't give a damn what the court order says the weekends are his and I will not be talking to the kids during that time. I said , its court ordered. he replied i don't give a fuck.its my time not the courts.i said fine ill let my lawyer know to which he replied good I don't give a shit who you tell that's how its going to be.
I know not everyone who reads this has been a victim of or even knows a victim of domestic violence,but the effects don't ever really go away i guess. i literally threw the phone,started shaking ,and broke down in tears. the flashbacks of what came next after hearing that tone of his ran through my head so realistically that i could touch them.its been several hours now and I'm still shaking.I'm thankful right now that tomorrow morning i have therapy,and then tomorrow afternoon i get to see the kids.
Ill write more later,for now....i need a break.
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