Saturday, August 26, 2017

Beyond happy

So I've been here with Herby for 2 weeks now and I'm still beyond happy. This is honestly the best choice I could have ever made. The girls are so much happier,were safe and I finally feel that sense of home that's been missing ever since I left Chicago all those years ago. Herby is amazing and I'm a lucky girl to have ever caught his attention, all though I still think he could do better.
I'm still working on finding a job and an apartment for the girls and I,but I keep being told to be patient.

Today is Herby's birthday. I get to celebrate it with him and I'm excited about that. Even if he is a pain in the butt and won't tell me what he wants lol

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Tomorrow I leave

By this time tomorrow I will have already been on the road for several hours.

To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm terrified. Not really for what I'm doing or even who I am doing this with but more so of the prospect of all that could go wrong.I know I don't need to worry or stress, I have an amazing support system but I cant help it. I have high functioning anxiety plus (despite arguments to the contrary) this is really my first time being an adult. I'm nervous and I'm scared,yet I'm excited too.

Here's to a safe trip where memories will be made and new beginnings started.