Sunday, November 13, 2011

Our first weekend

Its been a loud and raucous long weekend. We picked up the kids Thursday night since they had no school Friday. It was an interesting weekend,that admittedly I loved and missed ,but it has also been a year so it was a little bit of an adjustment. I had my doubts that I can handle it anymore ,,but they were just that ...doubts. This morning we had a surprise visit. The caseworker in charge of our case as well as the woman who does our home visits did a surprise visit. John and I kinda expected something like that to happen at some point this weekend. We sat in the kitchen ,talked for a bit about everything the weekend has been,if I think I can handle them being back home full time,the upcoming MDT, everything.Then I took her on a tour of the house which met with her approval. So tonight we take them back to Kevin's for a week. Next Sunday they will be moving back home. I'm ready for this.

And ^^^^^^^^^^ thats why.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I love having the kids home.Its been entirely too silent in this house without them being here.

On the other hand,its been a year almost. I can honestly say Ive fallen "off the wagon" as far as being a full time mommy. It's something Ive got to get back into the swing of things with. Shouldn't be too hard I would imagine,I mean Ive done it for a little while now ,its just when you aren't having to do it everyday for almost a year a person gets out of practice I guess.

I am about to admit something that I never admit to. I'm scared. I'm terrified even. I'm scared of failing them or not being good enough any more.

someone worth dying for

Thursday, November 10, 2011

As promised....NEWS

I guess I could just blurt it out ,tell you exactly what the news is,and stop everyone from guessing that I'm pregnant. Which NO I'm not. That would however kill the fun for me and well frankly,shorten my writing.....which would suck.

I know all of you love me for that right? 

Anyway, as many of you know this weekend will be the first overnight visit for the kids.They will be here from about 9 AM or so Friday ,since there is no school for veterans day,til 6 or so Sunday. They are overly excited to say the least. :)
Well I talked to them last night,was informed of some bad behaviors by a certain pre teen boy who's now been suspended from the bus for 2 days....and then was asked if they would be staying the school they are already in. I told them what I always tell them,which is I have no idea since I don't know for sure when you will be coming back home permanently. Ky then tells me , my ex husband told him they are coming home in like a week. I said What? The ex then gets on the phone,tells me the case worker came to their house and told them that if this weekend goes well ,then the kids would be home by the 20th. 

Well as I expected,the case worker called me today(hence why I said i needed conformation before telling the news) . She told me we had a MDT on the 15th at 230,and that if this weekend goes well,we will be doing a trial reunification beginning on the 20th of NOVEMBER. Not December like was originally planned. The kids would be back home by next week. Then as long as everything continues to go well ,in December when we go back to court they will be placed permanently back home with us.

So there is the big news.....confirmed,signed,sealed and delivered.