Thursday, December 12, 2019


so many things have changed in the last month alone. I left spectrum (happily)  and started a job I actually enjoy going to on a daily basis( minus the early morning thing) . Im home nightly and get to see my family so much more.
I go to bed most nights alone (cuz Im tired sooner then herby is) but I  get snuggles once he comes to bed.

Speaking of him, he did the most adorable thing this past weekend. He grabbed his extra broncos hat and put it on my head as we went out to run errands. I looked at him and said " dont like my hair?" ( I had just bleached it) He responded with " Not that.....I wanted us to match"

AWWWW right?


Hes such a sweetheart. I got way too lucky with him. I definitely dont deserve him.


what is abandonment?
It is defined as the fact or action of being abandoned.

Its heart wrenching and heart breaking but can one heal from it?
I think so. I think its completely possible to heal from being abandoned and that one can move on from it.

Is it possible to ever trust someone who once abandoned you? Thats a much more difficult question to answer. I dont know if you can. I dont know if I could. I would always be open to trying especially if it was someone I truely cared for. Yet part of me would always keep an arms length from a person who hurt me in such a viscious way.

That may seem extreme but to a babygirl (yes i am a babygirl for those who didnt already know) that is the worst thing possible to do. Its right up there with ignoring or the silent treatment.