Saturday, January 21, 2012


Mary has her friend here. She was going to come over Friday after school,just ride home with Mary from school,but School was closed. Mary found out and literally spent the first 5 hours awake crying,her first sleep over ruined. God forbid that happen. I spent the morning cuddling her and coddling her,John spent it getting laundry together and trying to figure out if the roads were gonna clear up at all. They did,so John had her call her friend ,get directions and off they went with Jr in tow to pick the girl up and do laundry.

I've never seen Mary in such a great mood. Shes happy,sweet,cuddly,loving.....shes her old self. Not a shell of her old self like we have been getting but her actual self. It amazes me.All it took was her best friend spending the weekend.....I may have to adopt this child I swear.

Granted she knows she is welcome here any time she wants to come over,she's well mannered,sweet,quiet and her dad is the one who knocked Kevin's teeth out and is the one person in the state that may despise him an equal amount to what I do.

So normalcy,if this is it,I hope it stays.

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