Sunday, January 7, 2024


Some people are so selfish and ungrateful. They don't give a shit about thier behavior effecting those around them. It's all about them and what they want. 

It's even harder when it's one of your kids. 

We've gone out of our way repeatedly for her. Paying her phone bill, paying the insurance on her trailer, hell cosigning on a trailer for her to live in, taking her wherever she needs to go, etc. Only to have her today say we do nothing for her. 

Needless to say it set Herby off and they got into it. She naturally was the victim and according to her was being gaslit by by him. 

I'm so frustrated and annoyed by this whole situation. Up until I went out of commission cuz of the surgery shit was fine. I mean she's always been self centered and selfish but she'd never went after her dad like this, even trying to drag momma into it. 

I'm done helping her. I refuse to do anything else for her at this point. I know she's my step child and I will love her regardless but I refuse to be abused by her or anyone else. And I'll be damned if she's going to hurt Herb either. I will loose my shit over that. 

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