Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Inspiring ??? Me??????????

I was told this week i was an inspiration.

I argued that.How the hell am I an inspiration for anyone or anything? If anything I'm a perfectly bad example of everything not to do in life. Ive often found myself giving advice over and over again to people I love,advice I am usually right about because I already took the dumb ass route and don't want them to do it too. Ive been to some dark places in life,some shady places....done shit I'm not proud of and in many states wouldn't be legal. Ive done shit,been through shit the people who are closest to me don't even have a clue about.
I don't want people looking up to me as a source of inspiration or admiration. I'm not a good enough person for that.

Then it hit me....(again....i took the dumb ass route) Its too damn late for that. Ive got 4 kids who all look up to me,2 of which are girls who know not to follow in my foot steps but to take the alternate route from my paths. 2 boys who know not to be the men I had been with but to be the one I always wanted to be with.
I have those friends who come to me for advice ,a shoulder to cry on,or just some love because they have faith in me that I will say/do/know the right things.(I'm not entirely sure who is going down the dumb ass route with that one)

Being told that I gave someone the strength to get out when shit got bad or being told I am always right when it comes to things about love is odd yet makes me smile. I guess knowing that i can help ,even in the most minute way is what makes me happy.

Although I still say y'all are fools for thinking of me as inspiring,strong,brave or even slightly the ones who think I'm insane.....well that's true.

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