Tuesday, December 20, 2016


The closer it gets to Christmas the worse I get. Ive neglected things like my writing,ive barely been interacting with the few friends I have and Ive been sleeping.....ALOT. Its a little worse this year then it has been in the recent past, not really sure as to why other then Ive been battling a Fibro Flare for about 2 weeks now.

Its pretty bad though. I dont want to do anything,I dont leave the house really,Ive stopped writing,hell Ive stopped reading. I just dont really have a desire to do anything lately and being alone all the time isnt really helping that. I know I am feeling alot of resentment towards certain people who promised I wouldnt be going through this alone this year. Though I dont know why Im feeling resentment, Im the idiot who believed them when I knew everyone always leaves me. Hell I even said that when he told me he would be there for me.

Thats not what this is about though. Here in 3 days,Ill be a mess. Its already bad before I get to that day I can only imagine how much worse it will be on the 23rd. At least I was lucky enough to get a few laughs and smiles today.Until next time.

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