Friday, December 23, 2016

My Dad

I know by now I should be a little more adjusted to him being gone,but I'm not. He was my Dad for fucks sake. My idol,my biggest supporter,my Daddy. If I even mentioned something I was interested in,he would take me to try it and if I was good you can be damn sure he threw his full support into it.
Roller blading? Top of the line speed skates then would laugh when I would out run all the boys on their bikes on my skates. Hockey? Gives me ice skates and says I have to learn that first. 2 hours later back at the sports store buying my hockey gear after watching me take to the ice like a fish to water. Photography? Buys me a disposable camera and drives me to Irish hills Michigan to take pictures. Gets them developed and shows them to one of his friends who is a professional photographer. She asks what rig hes using to get such awesome shots,he proceeds to tell her his 14 year old daughter did it with a throw away camera, she tells him what to go buy me and he does. Music? Yea,my vast knowledge and love of all genres (including my weird ability to name songs as fast as I do which is why no one will play me in song pop anymore) all from him and was something he nurtured by making sure I had the best stereo equipment and set up to go with it. My love for reading and skill at writing? He bought me the complete collection of works of Shakespeare,Stephen King and several variations of religious scripts.He encouraged me to read,be full of knowledge and to challenge the norm despite him being devotedly Christian.He knew I was different and loved me the same.

This is the man who despite growing up in a time where races did not mix,welcomed his biracial grandchild with open arms and bought him anything he could ever need. This is the man who despite growing up with the belief that gay was disgusting,literally had the response of "Why do I give a shit who you are fucking" when I came out to him as bisexual. This is the man who I got my sense of humor from (yes even how twisted it is ) as well as my smart mouth (although even he would say mine was a little faster then his).In a lot of ways he was my hero,but much more importantly; he was My Dad

PS~Im a firm believer that loved ones can send you little messages from beyond,*points at the bottom picture of the page views*
I got yours ya old fart. ;)

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