Tuesday, May 17, 2016

30 Days of kink ~ day 4

Day 4 ~ Any early experiences that you think ,in retrospect,may hint at your kinks?

I guess looking back maybe there was some signs of my being kinky. The exhibitionism and risk of being caught via public places or the home movie....the group sex (for lack of better wording) under the guise of weekend sleepovers or that one week in the hospital....
Even once I came of age, I suppose I was still showing signs of being kinky without even knowing enough to acknowledge it. I used to get home from work ,log into certain chat rooms and do cam shows for fun. a few years later i turned that into something a bit more lucrative, but at the time it was just something to do....a way to explore new things in a less risky way.

I didnt even discover the names for most of the things that I am into,until I was well into adulthood. I didnt know the name for polyamory until I was in my 20's but had been practicing it for many years prior for example. Im still learning and exploring new kinks as often as I can.

The only way to continue to grow is to continue to learn , right?

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