Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Still sick

seriously this parasite, disease,infection WTF ever it is needs to go already. I got shit to do and it is seriously interfering with my ability to taste food. As a fat chick....that is almost important right?

Anyway,I haven't really said much about what happened this past weekend at the ex's. Hes a douche. An even larger douche then I realized.

Who the hell would stand there and say nothing while their spouse talked to their daughter like she was trash? Thats not counting the guilt trips hes been throwing on them.

Someone please explain to me how "I cant get you guys I have to work this weekend." and "I wont see you guys anymore if you move. I have to work I cant get you in the summer." works with " You can come live with me. Tell your mom you want to"

How does that work? I mean seriously? You cant care for them or see them in the summer cuz you have to work but they can live with you ? ummmmm Am I the only one seeing a flaw in logic there?

Add to that him missing the fact Mary has been making fun of him to his face since he said the shit about Charity and about how John needs a "real mans job" And it honestly makes me question just how fucked in the head I was at 17.

O and get this...I need his permission to leave.

Apparently the world revolves around him and/or hes my father?

Yea so fuck that. The steps for me to leave is give notification to him,give notification to the court and get the fuck on......

Told him in October we were moving.
so that was roughly 4 months ago give or take.....

Gave notice to the courts awhile back now.....
so that steps done.

now its just a matter of getting gone.
Hurry the hell up Thursday! :P

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