Friday, April 15, 2016

writing challenge days 4,5,6,7,and 8 (cuz I suck and fell behind)

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1.Do I have to get out of this bed?!?!
2. Should I do that? I probably shouldnt do that....fuck it...
3. I really should learn when to shut up
4.seriously... what the fuck!?!?
5. Do you ever shut up?
6.Do I have to adult? I dont wanna adult.
7. How the fuck is he still breathing!?

Day Five: Six things you wish you had never done.

1. My first marriage ex husband
3. run away
4. leave back home
5. leave school when I did
6. there was this one ex gf......

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
(this one is a little harder because there are more then 5 people so...some are getting grouped damn it)

1. The kids (most of the time anyway)
2. Those rare few who I love.
3.whats his face that I married sl family ;) dog

Day Seven: Four turn-offs.

1. Self righteous assholes who think they are gods gift.
2. being called pet names (babe,princess,ETC) from random assclowns who dont have the ok
3. Arrogance
4. idiocy

Day Eight: Three turn-ons.

1. Biting/nibbling
2.Nails on my skin (running over it, digging in,ETC )
3. Playing with my hair ( petting,pulling,etc )

Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession.

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