Wednesday, November 23, 2016

30 days of thankfulness ~days 22 and 23

Day 22 ~BOOK~ God there are so many Ive read. I would have to say most anything written by Stephen King as I read most of them while very young (2nd/3rd grade beginning with "The Stand") and Im pretty sure they had a rather large impact on forming who I am as a adult.Which makes even more sense if youve ever read "Misery" or "Delores Claiborne".

Day 23~ FEELING~ I dont know if I can say Im thankful for any feelings. Most of them suck. As someone who is bipolar with severe depressive episodes, I can honestly say I really am not a huge fan of feelings.I am thankful for those rare times where I am able to smile and for those very few who have caused those smiles.I had almost an entire year of smiles ,that started to disappear more towards the end but then recently Ive been lucky enough to have had smiles ,giggles and laughs come back on a semi regular basis. Its nice and its something I am very thankful for.

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