Monday, January 7, 2013

Long time no speak

Its been awhile since I have posted anything....I guess i kinda fail huh?

So new year,2013, and time for some new and good for us. 2010-2012 kinda was crap to say the very least with slight glimpses of light among the numerous storms.

So far this year Ive managed to not get sick (knock on wood) ,get a few smaller boxes packed,start  a relay for life team for RFL in May,watched the Dawgs win their bowl game and thats about it.....Starting tomorrow that all changes. (ok well it sorted started tonight)

Im going to spend the day reevaluating,organizing,cleaning and tossing things we dont need or arent using. If they are usable by someone else,then Ill box them up send a few messages out and get it gone from my house. We have way to much crap in this 3 bedroom townhouse and its getting claustrophobic. Not to mention once the move happens,less crap = more awesome.

I will be going through my closet even *gasp in shock* I guess i can give john a little room for his stuff in there since Ive stolen like 2 of his dresser drawers too now....
AND cuz im either awesome or seriously deranged,I will be doing all of this while homeschooling Mary and implementing a new chore system.

Pretty much positive its the deranged part.

Heres to a new year and me not failing on well,everything including writing.


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