Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Trying days and long nights

So the big overhaul of life still in full swing.
RFL has gotten off to a good start thankfully :) The kids have taken and ran with it begging for donations. Use what ya got right?

Tomorrow not looking like a good day,but Im hoping Im wrong. I have a DR appointment in the morning. Im having them start more bloodwork and what not to try and explain the random sleepy times Ive been dealing with ,my back refusing to not hurt and well just everything in general. Headaches are annoying as hell too.

While I hate getting stabbed and God knows while I want to know whats wrong I dont wanna know whats wrong, I am more dreading tomorrow night then anything else. See the ex called tonight. phone rang at 9 pm,I answer and he goes " Hey are the kids in bed?" my response?" Yea its 9 pm man." He goes " alright well can I get them tomorrow night at 6? I want to take them to dinner."  My intial thoughts are great....there goes any hope of a peaceful weekend.....hes ditching them. So I ask "Not getting them Friday?" He replies with " no im still getting them this weekend I just want to take them to dinner and stuff. Ill bring them home around 8 or so after we eat." I said " alright thats fine,no biggie " and hung up.

Then my brain started.....Why the hell would he want them the day before hes supposed to get them for the entire weekend,just for dinner? We all know hes not that kind of guy who just wants to be involved all that way with the kids.....hell he sees them twice a month,despite court order saying every weekend,doesnt even pay his full child support and doesnt even bother to call them during the week when he doesnt see them. So why does he want them on a school night for them a work night for him for a few hours for dinner?

Then it clicked.....hes up to something....something thats going to effect us in some big way.

Do a little digging and Ill be damned, *gasp* Im right.

Hes getting them to let them know the sex of the new baby......
Now why would this matter or effect our home?

Well small trip dpwn memory lane real quick....See back at the end of september/beginning of october he made the announcement on Facebook that he and his wife were expecting a new baby. Mary saw this and it began her downward spirial. That same night she attempted suicide for the first time. It was bad,thankfully i was here and shortly there after she was hospitalized for a little while.

Since then Mary has been under a Doctors care and in therapy ,but has repeatedly said she doesnt want him to have any more kids, especially if they are girls. He (again) barely sees/speaks to the 3 here and Mary already felt replaced when he had his youngest with the wife. Now tomorrow they are going to this dinner with him and are going to be told they are having another little sister.

I fear her reaction,her heartbreak,her anger honestly.

I worry for her and her sanity.


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