Thursday, January 31, 2013

Adoption and idiots

Today was the court date for Kyles adoption. Everything went smoothly,the ex didn't even show up and now John is a "new" father. Says hes happy to be a Dad....really happy to have missed the diaper stage . : )

about 5 or so my phone started going off with texts from Kevin. Asking "well how did court go?" To which I replied " went great you are not the father."  Then he went on to wanting Jr again. Said he gave me Kyle so I need to give him Jr and he said we can share the girls (yay for him allowing me to share my girls with him.... *rolls eyes*) Because Im a glutton for punishment (and possibly mildly brain damaged) I admittedly goaded him a bit at this point. I said "well i want my girls,in Ga with me without issues from you" He went off on a tangent completely opposite from the fight he gave me yesterday. "the only way that would happened if the girls tell thqt they go to Georgia without be influenced by u or john as well as jr living with me" he said.....and sadly that is a typed out verbatim copy of his reply. It physically caused me pain to type that....jussayin. I pointed out that was not what he said previously ,which lead to another small rant of " well if they dont tell me they arent going."

Its cute. He thinks he has a choice.

Ive been down this route. I know the rules,what has to be done,where the burden of proof lies....all that stuff. Meanwhile he is only worried about how fast he cant get kyle off his child support order. Which for the record isnt until the official court order is released with Kyles new name on it. roughly 2 weeks.......but Im supposed to have that done today,and the order amount changed now. At least thats what he says.

*walks away muttering something about "simple people" while shaking her head*

PS How many of you have family who are not related by blood? Personally, I have kids who arent biologically mine yet call me mom,sisters and brothers who have no genetic link to me yet may as well have,people in my life and my kids lives for no reason other then a link of love a bond forged in some deep rooted connection that led us to create a family tie. If that twat rocket tells me one more time that Charity,Dad,Gimps or anyone else in Johns family isnt family I will not be responsible for any and all blood shed I create. So start raising bail money,cuz something tells me he will again. He didnt ride the short bus. He tried to get on,missed the step,fell cracked his helmet broke his drool cup,messed his diaper then got ran over backwards by it.

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