Thursday, August 25, 2016

just a dream

She was scared. She was happier then she had been in a long time,felt more complete then ever but still in the back of her mind so sure she would screw it up some how like always. With deep trepidation,she still went forward....

The moment their hands touched it was as if every fear,every worry,every doubt, melted away. It was as if she was right where she belonged.She was madly in love with her. She had been for quite some time now,but for some reason in this moment it seemed bigger,more real, then ever.

Things didnt start off easy.Nothing in her life really ever has.Yet despite the hell they went through ,and they have went through some, she was right by her side. Keeping her strong, being her voice of reason or her voice of anger,depending on the situation. They were a team,an amazing one at that.

Smiling at her as they danced,she pulled her closer as she gazed into the beautiful hazel eyes before her. "Mo Anam Cara, I love you" she whispered softly before kissing the luscious pout of her gorgeous,smiling girlfriend.

She woke with a start,her heart racing.Sadness creeping in,taking over as she gained more awareness."It was just a dream.....Always just a dream." she said to herself as she pulled the blanket up tighter,wiping away the tears.

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