Monday, August 15, 2016

Moods and submission

I really am finding alot of inspiration from one of the groups I'm in on FB,Today one of the topics brought up (and I'm only really discussing the part that would be applicable to me) was :

"Does your mood affect your submission such as if you are in a bad mood do you/or would you pull back your submission from your Dominant? "

Mood effects everything in my opinion,sometimes inadvertently.I know when Im in a bad or off mood I tend to bottle things up or hold back rather then lash out. Although there have been times where I've lashed out too. As someone who in a constant battle with depression as well as bipolar (and a few other stigma inducing words), my moods often fluctuate. This is something that not only effects my D/s relationship but all relationships I have. For someone like me, its not always something that I can control or even know why I'm feeling whatever it is I am feeling. Any Dominant that would ever have anything to do with a girl like me ,with issues like mine, would have to understand that. They would need patience and an ability to get the sub to talk/open up. Punishment ,while admittedly would be understandable for bad behavior, might not be as effective immediately. At times it may exacerbate the issue at hand. The best course of action is always to get to the bottom of whatever is triggering the behavior,discuss it patiently,and assign repercussions after wards. At least theoretically that's the best course of action and naturally it wouldn't apply to the brat type of sub who's just being bratty without there being any other cause behind it.As a Dominant it would be on you to know the difference between bratty behavior as a result of being a brat and brat like behavior due to having something wrong. Either way, realistically moods effect every aspect of your life. Good mood usually equates to a good day,Bad mood typically results in the opposite. So I would have to say yes. My mood,the way I'm feeling ,definitely effects my submission or how submissive I may be at that time. For me, its a matter of the Dominant recognizing this and addressing it appropriately for the situation at hand. Something so simple could be the key to coaxing me back out from the rock I hide behind like a scared kitten.

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